Tanralili- http://instagram.com/p/BFQmSANPk8HpRrpYvsrYKbbtN7MckwLMiaKtT40/ |
Gue : HAHA! C’mon! apa yang kamu
sembunyikaaaan?! Ungkap!
Lo : GAK! Gak Adaaaa!
Dia : Udahhh! Jangan salah tingkah gitu
Lo : OK! Okayyy! Aku tertarik sama
kamu! Puas?!
Gue : Yes Tentu! Everyone is interest to
me, I know that. Ukhhh! It is not a secret, yeah?!
Dia : SonghooonG lu
Gue : but I’m sorry! You know? I’m too
cool for everyone… haha!
Lo : Including me?
Gue : Hey, boy! Don’t ask me like that or
something like that
Dia : Whoaaaa, what’s wrong? Aku gak
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